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Loetec Elektronische Fertigungssysteme GmbH
Quality policy of Loetec Elektronische Fertigungssysteme GmbH
   Quality policy
Quality means thinking and acting for the customer

Our goal is to fully satisfy our customers expectations, to realize the agreed deliveries perfectly, in high and steady quality, in time, environmentally sound, on economic consideration and to mutual use. We are innovative in finding solutions for tasks and problems. Thereby we want to protect and constantly develop the good reputation of our company.

Quality asserts the company's goals

The quality is an essential component of our company philosophy. It makes sure, that we stay an approved, fair and efficient partner, and that we reach our company goals. It is a prerequisite for the controlled growth and sufficient profit of our company. It’s also save guards our jobs.

Quality avoids mistakes and lowers costs

Our quality management is aimed to avoid mistakes, and to constantly improve the quality of our products. Failure costs are thereby avoided. The management implements measures on identified failure causes, and strives for continuous improvement of all processes.

Quality requires the contribution of all

In our company everybody is personally responsible for the quality of his working. A tidy and clean environment is part of that. A prerequisite for the achievement of our quality goals are high achievements in the production our products. Quality assurance and constant quality improvements are a basic tasks for every employee.

Quality requires guidance

Committed employees form the base for our high-quality work. Their responsibility and their dedication on quality of their working results are promoted by the management. This requires in particular that the management exemplify the quality police through their own dedication, that they strictly train their employees and incorporate them in the tasks.

Quality prevents damages

Our quality conscious action considering the health of our employees and those of the customers, the security on the working place as well as environmental issues.

Quality assumes the success

Our efforts for quality affect the reputation, and the results of our company.

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